Posts Tagged ‘Caliber’

Here is a little Sneak Peek of what Cabrinha will be offering in 2014.  Look at those colors… BAM!

Cabrinha 2014 Teaser from Cabrinha Kites on Vimeo.

Does this look nice or what?  Keahi makes everything look so easy.


So what is the difference between kiteboards and wakeboards?

The easy answer is…Rocker.
Rocker is the amount of curvature along the bottom of the board.  Wakeboards have around 3 inches of rocker while most kiteboards have around 1 inch.  Wakeboards are designed with more rocker to handle the speed at which they operate.  When wakeboarding a typical speed will be around 30mph.  At that speed, wakeboards need all that rocker to produce drag so that they can get on edge and turn.  A kiteboarder typically is traveling across the water at around 15-20 mph and will need a more efficient (flater) board in order to stay moving along on top of the water (also called planning).


Looks like we will have over 40 kites and 16 boards  for Registered KoGL Riders to demo!