Posts Tagged ‘North Kiteboarding’


So what is the difference between kiteboards and wakeboards?

The easy answer is…Rocker.
Rocker is the amount of curvature along the bottom of the board.  Wakeboards have around 3 inches of rocker while most kiteboards have around 1 inch.  Wakeboards are designed with more rocker to handle the speed at which they operate.  When wakeboarding a typical speed will be around 30mph.  At that speed, wakeboards need all that rocker to produce drag so that they can get on edge and turn.  A kiteboarder typically is traveling across the water at around 15-20 mph and will need a more efficient (flater) board in order to stay moving along on top of the water (also called planning).


Looks like we will have over 40 kites and 16 boards  for Registered KoGL Riders to demo!

I decided to unpack the 12m North Rebel for last night’s sunset session in Hatteras NC.  Winds were in the 12-16 knot range and there was one foot chop to ride through.  Me being new rider at 175 pounds I was thinking I could be underpowered so I grabbed the Cabrinha Spectrum which has a moderate rocker and some extra volume.  With the chop I also liked the idea of having the secure feeling you get from the Cabrinha Sync footstraps.

From the first time I launched the kite I quickly realized that my initial thought was wrong.  After a few tacks I decided I needed a board with more outline and rocker to handle the power and chop.  I grabbed a Cabrinha Caliber with Sync footstraps and headed back out.  Now I was riding comfortably with speed through the chop. (more…)