Posts Tagged ‘Vector’

Does this look nice or what?  Keahi makes everything look so easy.

It must be Friday, because I’m feeling particularly pathetic today….

If you’re wondering why I’m the “Wimpy Kiter“, there are a few things you should know about me…an impressive resume, I know.

Day two of my 2-Day Kite Camp started out a little chilly. I bundled myself up like I was headed into the Siberian Tundra, like idiot I am. We met at the MACshack at 10:00 AM and reviewed safety systems. I looked like a polar bear in a sweater, barely able to get my harness around the layers of insulation.

With wet suits, boots, and helmets on, we practiced board starts on the beach, sitting on our butts, power-stroking, and letting the kite lift us to our feet. Chris and I had both worked with trainer kites, so we were familiar with this motion. Chris performed the power-strokes with ease. Grace, not being in my genetic make-up, was severely lacking from my performance, but I managed to successfully pull myself to my feet several times.

Colin, our instructor, then had us begin to run with the kite as we came to our feet. Once we were moving, it was easy to feel how effortless kiteboarding could be! Just you, the wind, kite, board, and a face-full of sand…apparently de-power only works if you actually do it…oops.

The beach began to warm up, and as it did, the afternoon thermals kicked up and the wind grew stronger. I switched from the Cabrinha Vector 12 M to the 9 M, much more comfortable in decent winds for a pile of skin and bones like me. (more…)

i’m not exactly the cool kid…

If you’re just tuning in, you should get to know me a little better before we continue, I’m not exactly destined to be a pro-kiteboarder….

So, I quickly discovered that Kiteboarders have very selective memories…despite the sand in my teeth and other places that we won’t go into detail on, I was off to complete a 2-Day Kite Camp!

By now you know the odds weren’t exactly in my favor…the Michael Phelps of Kiteboarding, I am not.

We met about 15 minutes north of the Board Sports Center at MACkite’s school location on Pere Marquette Beach in Muskegon, Michigan. I rolled into the camp like a boss–nothing says future-of-kiteboarding like a 1995 Ford Escort Station Wagon…(like I said, the deck isn’t exactly stacked in my favor). I am seriously lacking the cool-factor gene that every other MACkite employee seems to have been endowed with. I got my scrawny butt out of the car and prepared for the worst. (more…)

Hear it from first, this just in from Cabrinha Kiteboarding! Links and photos will be posted when available! Check out Cabrinha Kiteboarding Gear at

2013 Cabrinha Kite Lineup:

Cabrinha’s 2013 lineup is better than ever.  We have listened to your constructive comments and have built our 2013 range of products to be the absolute maximum in performance, security, and value.

2013 Cabrinha Switchblade:
We have an all-new Switchblade.  YES – it turns faster, is much lighter in the bar, and jumps off the water or snow during relaunch.  The Switchblade will continue to be the industry benchmark for parked kite performance and amazing stability, but the handling is vastly improved with new canopy shaping for a faster turning lighter bar that translates into top performance in Freeride, onshore surf, and basic freestyle!!

2013 Cabrinha Siren Collection Switchblade:
We also now offer the Siren Collection within the Switchblade specifically tailored to the ladies.  Everything from the Susi Mai influenced graphics/colors down to specific features on the control system accommodates a smaller size person with a desire to ride something more feminine.
