Posts Tagged ‘Liquid Force’

Check out the new Liquid Force Kites Teaser for all the new 2014 Kiteboarding Gear!  Will be available for viewing and demo at the 2013 King of the Great Lakes Test Fest (KOGL) on Sept. 27-29.

I think that this trailer might have been edited by the makers of the Twilight series.  You have been warned.

In light of MACkiteboarding now offering Slingshot Wakeboards, here are some of their best tearing up Hydrous Wake Park in Texas.

In this episode of Viva La Texica members of the Slingshot team hit the ShredTown Park and Hydrous Wake Park for a little fun.

Check out our wakeboard selection to pick up on of their board for a smoking good price.

Freeride kiteboarding style


While freeride can encompass a variety of styles, it is usually referred to when referencing a relaxed cruise around type of riding with an occasional jump. Freeriders enjoy checking out the scenery, experiencing varied conditions, and just getting out on the water. Equipment generally preferred by these riders include bow or SLE kites (Cabrinha Crossbow, Cabrinha Switchblade, North Rebel, Slingshot Rally), larger boards with soft flex(Cabrinha Spectrum, Cabrinha Stylus, Liquid Force Full Contact, Best Breeze, North X-Ride, Slingshot Misfit, Slingshot Glide), footstraps or strapless, and often a seat harness for more comfort (Dakine Fusion, Dakine Vega, Dakine Vision, Dakine Nitrous HD).


Kite or Wake, At some point this happens to everyone.  The Scorpion toeside catch.  Pay attention to the double binding eject…. Ouch