Posts Tagged ‘kiteboarding’

How to Butter Slide/Nose Slide

Posted: November 22, 2013 by in How To, Jake Mitchell
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by Jake Mitchell

One of my favorite kiteboarding tricks is the butter slide, sometimes called a nose slide. It is quite easy to execute, given you have the right equipment, conditions, and a good sense of balance. Even more importantly, it looks really flashy, especially if you hold it for a long slide!

Progression Kiteboarding has a great video to get things started:

For another perspective, or if you’d prefer the butter slide dissected in Spanish:

The nose slide is executed most easily in flat water conditions, and will also look most the most pronounced. You will want to remove the fins from your kiteboard, and make sure your kite is moderately to highly powered. You can butter slide just fine in footstraps, although boots will provide better leverage. The trick is most easily done in the direction your feel more comfortable riding toeside.

Keep reading for step-by-step directions:

Check out the new Liquid Force Kites Teaser for all the new 2014 Kiteboarding Gear!  Will be available for viewing and demo at the 2013 King of the Great Lakes Test Fest (KOGL) on Sept. 27-29.

I think that this trailer might have been edited by the makers of the Twilight series.  You have been warned.

Local Boy Cris Bobryk has more to come. Stay tuned with MACkite Surf Shop and BEST Kiteboarding

Here is a little Sneak Peek of what Cabrinha will be offering in 2014.  Look at those colors… BAM!

Cabrinha 2014 Teaser from Cabrinha Kites on Vimeo.